Non-profit Organisations and the Community

Agency: Golden-Agri Resources (GAR)

A palm-oil plantation company with plantations in Indonesia.

Products: Cooking oil, margarine, shortening, biodiesel and oleochemicals.

Programme: Integrated Ecological Farming

GAR introducing the villages on alternative methods to clear land for agriculture. Teaches sustainable methods of land preparation to guarantee food security for the villages.

Areas that the Alternative Livelihood programme is introduced.

Fire-free prevention programme implemented by GAR which not only includes fire prevention and response but conservation and food security.

Outline of the Integrated Ecological Farming Programme:

Step 1:

Educating the villagers on the impacts of clearing habitats using chemicals and fire.

Step 2:

Sustainable Livelihood Assessment* (often paired with Participatory Conservation Planning)

To assist the communities prioritise their land development plans. GAR works with the villagers to determine how to maximise existing resources to reduce household expenses on farming.

Step 3:

Capacity building in field school
Agriculture literacy

30 farmers are selected in each village to be trained to implement ecologically-integrated agriculture.

Facilitated by expert farmers, they learn how to

  1. plan land use ;

  2. make solid/liquid compost,

  3. vegetable pesticides, local micro-organisms, plant growth regulators; organic fertilisers

  4. cultivate livestock; and manage pests.

  • 1. Chilli

    2. Watercress

    3. Spinach

    4. Chinese Cabbage

    5. Soybeans

    6. Choy sum

    7. Leaf mustard

    8. Bok choy

    9. Eggplant

    10. Celery

    1. Organic Fertiliser Powder

    2. composed leaves

    3. timber

    4. manure

    5. lime

    1. Chicken

    2. Cattle

    3. Fish

Discussions that take place during the SLA stage of the programme.

Village Compost House (Left). The Compost House has a compost machine that helps farmers produce compost consistently.

*Participatory Conservation Planning

An intensive consultative approach with the local communities that takes into account their concerns, needs and aspirations including food security requirements and continued ability to earn a stable livelihood.

Mapping of the critical land areas to establish farmlands adjacent to conserved forests, where expansion of farmland might encroach on the forest land. Also maps areas essential for the village’s food security.

Participatory planning with the local villagers.

Agency: RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests

An international organisation with a vision of local communities actively managing forests in Asia and the Pacific to ensure optimal social, economic, and environmental benefits.

Agency: Solidaridad

International civil society organization with works in 40 countries including Indonesia.

Helping to improve the productivity of oil palm smallholders.

Programme: “It Takes a Village”

Goal: To increase productivity on existing farms, without violation of the remaining natural lands.

Process: Through education, training, introduction of better seed stock and good agricultural practices.

Trained farmers in:

  1. good production practices ranging from on-farm planning to planting to harvest management.

  2. financial and business management, along with receiving improved access to loans specially designed to suit their needs.

Training farmers on good farming practices.


  1. Villagers involved in a process to map the forests, using both ground mapping and drones. Farmers to be trained in the use of GPS devices to directly assist in mapping their own farms.

  2. Once mapped, a plan to manage the surrounding forests was developed and agreed to in a series of workshops attended by villagers, village leaders and religious leaders.

Farmers receiving forest mapping and manegement training.

    1. Borneo nut

    2. Areca nut