Untitled 无题

November 2021


Preamble 前言

A personal reflection in the ongoing epic territorial contest between human and nature.

It is NEITHER a triumphant pronouncement of man over nature NOR the exploitation of nature masked in nomenclature.

Poetry inspired by Forest Farm design project

artist treks the forest for inspiration

businesses obliterate forest for profit,

naturalist heaps praises on the forest

who am I

in the contested territory?


Untitled 无题

light rain heralds misty dawn

leaves flutter where wind carries

ripples on the pond


in a distance

hazy silhouette announces forest presence

sweetness of the morning dew


birds await on the crown

courier this new day

to whom to announce?


birds and butterflies


to my unspoken delight


i am lonesome

in the mist

my companions live in me