by Profesor Joe Valenic
The experiment was under the direction of Professor Wolf H. Hilbertz, co-founder of Biorock Inc., who invented the mineral accretion process to create structures in seawater.
In this experimental setup, 02 electrodes are supplied with a low-voltage DC current from a battery charger. Electrolytic reactions at the cathode (a negatively charged electrode) cause minerals form in seawater, primarily calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, to build up or accrete.
Experiment at Palm Jumeriah
Very rapid accretion rates that are influenced by the higher than normal salinity of the test area in the Arabian Gulf (45 ppt vs 34 ppt in normal ocean seawater).
Fastest growth rates on the pyramid placed closest to the Anode.
Closest point anode to cathode was 1.5 feet or approx. 0.5 meters. It was this point where the greatest accretion took place,
The accretion on the pyramid closest to the anode (0.5 meters distant) had an accretion rate that was 83% higher than the pyramid located further way (approx. 2.5 meters distant).
The diameter of the accretion over the 3/8" steel rebar was 3.89cm on the pyramid closest to the anode and 2.86cm on the pyramid further away from the anode.
A diamond-shaped steel extrusion was welded onto one side of each of the pyramids. The remaining diamond-shaped openings were accreted more heavily on the pyramid closest to the anode to an opening size of 2 x 4.5 cm.
The hardness of the accretion on the 2 structures appeared to touch to be of similar hardness. The one exception is the hwavily accreted lifting eyehole at the top of pyramid closest to the anode.
This 7 cm lifting eyehole was accreted such that an opening of only 1 cm occured on the pyramid closest to the anode and 4cm on the pyramid distant from the anode. The very heavy accretion on the close pyramid structure broke off upon touch exposing the bare steel structure underneath. Bubbles were observed at the exposed blackened steel indicating the accretion process was continuing.
by Profesor Wolf Hilbertz, Desmond Fletcher, Carolyn Krausse
Experiment at Port Aransas
4 large structures were accreted at the location; 3 doubled layered arched hung from a flotation rig and prototypical column segment with a diameter of 14'0 and 64 cubes for compression testing.
Concluded that: The potentials of mineral accretion technology for structural application are unlimited;
submerged and floating tanks
container for marine organisims,
architectural components,
segments for floating dams, jetties, breakwaters and current diverters- towable or self-propelled habitats, under and on the sea,
could be designed.
Growing a “giant artificial reef” could stop Venice sinking
“Senior University of Greenwich lecturer explains how a synthetic “limestone-like” support structure could be grown underneath Venice to prevent the city’s foundation’s from being eroded.
“The future of Venice really rests on its relationship with the tides”
“They would digest away the fabric of the city. The idea is to create a giant artificial limestone-like reef.”
Such a structure could be grown using protocell technology, an emerging field of synthetic biology, in which cocktails of non-living chemicals are combines to exhibit the properties of living organisms
They would be photophobic, so that they move towards the dark foundations of the city and, once there, would react with minerals in the water to accrete the limestone-like material, reinforcing the wood piles the city stands on.
An abstract of the water displacement, control and water saving basins of the new Panama Canal Locks. Through an almost scientific ecperimental level of accuracy, the amount of water with the central chamber can be controlled and changed.
The number of flasks, demonstrate the ability of locks to save far more water than the proposed 60%. The system is then developed into a projected dual use infrastructure- whereby water is no longer simply for transit and trade, but can be activated.
This experiment demonstrates an additonal prototype that is able to clean oxidised iron objects through the use of electroylsis. This process's ability to function is however still dependent on the water levels. The electrolysis experiment and the submerged object revealed an intriguing and etheral underwater and industrial environment is beginning to emerge.
Here the body if water is being used to clean iron oxide from an object through electrolysis- a process that can be up-sacled to industrial levels.
at Balboa Port, Panama City
The build-up of biological material and structures on ship hulls and marine infrastructure- time based growth, also dependent on water movement. As humans alter the landscape of the Earth and economic globalisation expands, biological invasions increasingly homogenise the world's biota. In temperature marine systems, invasions are occuring at a rapid pace, driven by the transfer of organisms by vessels and live trade.
Developing a Site Specific Generator
Coral Regeneration System: Developing floating installations that can harness the tidal power from the constant movement of passing vessels entering the canal.
This power can be used to electrrify and activate the specifically constructed biorock structures below. Instead of the shipping industry dammaging coral and marine left, they are empowered to help sustain and develop them. The distances between buoys are determined by shipping paths and can powere the corals from a distance.
Forming Around a Structure
Mixing up the materials to replicate the texture and materiality of the biorock.
The mixture includes:
Oyster Shell
Portland Cement
Salt Crystals
The salt crystals enable variation in texture and the creation of voids, where organisms would be able to grow and thrive.
Design and Construction
A series of 5 water containers to provide 5 separate test beds for the potential growth of biorock in salt-water.
The separate containers will allow for the test of different voltages- to explore what volatrge produces the most successful, plentiful and stable mineral accretion after a few days/week.
Exploration of accretion around different forms
Created from steel mesh as well as to test the concentration of the salt mix within the chambers- to explore whether higher amounts of calcium, magnesium, strontium affect the growth and accretion process.
Following the process of electrolysis each chamber is connected to a separate battery set. The cathode is connected to the steel mesh- to attract the mineral accretion, where as the brass tubes act as the anode to complete the circuit. Each chamber can then be safely turned off and modifications to the wiring, chamber, materials can be made easily.
Material used: Steel Wire mesh with 6.3 mm spacings.
To explore what volatge produces the most successful, plentiful and stable mineral accretion after a few days/week.
Allowing for later alteration to voltage supply if required.
After a few days,
Water started to turn blue, as the water began to split into oxygen and hydrogen.
Solid clumps began to form within each of the chambebrs, more noticeably within the higher voltage tests.
Colouration was present on the copper wire used to bind the brass anodes. The material was unintended, despite creating very interesting and vivid environment and serires of colours.
There was very little accretion over the wire mesh even after a few days. (5-6 days)
Black growths began to form piecemeal around the wire mesh, and this could be attributed to the nature of the anode.
Noticed growth within the higher voltage chambers of 6V and 12 V chambers around the wire mesh- increasing the diameter of the fine mesh.
With growth being more dense and prominent on the areas of mesh closer to the anode. The growth had also been affected by the colouration of the electrolysed salt-water- ranging from a deep orange to a powdery light blue-green.
Black growths also became more prominent aroound the base of the mesh.
Added more marine salt mixture to the cambers to explore the effect of this on teh reaction.
After a week, it was observed that there was still very little growth arouund the mesh- something was preventing the reaction and the mineral accretion from occuring successfully.
It was found that the probable cause of the issue was the alloy nature of the brass anode.
Made up of zinc and copper, it is likely that one of these impurities were affecting the process.
The following steps were to begin experimenting with different anodes materials, to get a more successful result.
The mesh diameter has almost tripled in size.