Who can give Carbon Credits?

VERRA, Standards for a Sustainable Future.

Who is VERRA?¹

A non-profit organisation that manages and develops standards and frameworks for climate action and sustainable development goals including the verified carbon standard (VCS) program- a widely used voluntary greenhouse gas program.

VERRA’s Blue Carbon Work Objectives² :

  1. Explore key barriers and opportunities for tidal wetland conservation and restoration activities.

  2. Identify recommendations for how standards and methodologies and tools could better support tidal wetland activities.

In partnership with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), VM0007 REDD + MF was introduced³.

These are the activities which the carbon can be credited to within the VCS REDD+ methodology.

  1. Avoided planned (APD) and unplanned deforestation (AUDD).

  2. Reduced forest degradation.

  3. Afforestation/reforestation/revegetation (APR).

  4. Avoided planned (APWD) and unplanned (AUWD) peatland degradation and peatland restoration.

  5. Avoided planned and unplanned tidal wetland degradation and tidal wetland restoration (new).

With 3 new modules with 13 existing revised modules.³

Determining the category of VCS-eligible activities⁴ ⁸

A) ALL the relevant baseline modules must be applied with relevant applicability conditions and criteria:

  • BL-UP: Avoiding unplanned deforestation or wetland degradation.

  • BL-PLL: Avoiding planned deforestation, planned degradation, or planned wetland degradation.

  • BL-DFW: Avoiding forest degradation (fuelwood/charcoal).

  • BL-ARR: Land suited for ARR.

  • BL-PEAT: Peatland.

  • BL-TW: Tidal Wetland.

B) Necessary evidence must be provided to demonstrated the type of eligibility activity as given in each module.

C) A project can include area subject to different eligible activities.

For example,

Area A= Avoiding Planned Deforestation; Area B= Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation; Area C= Avoiding Degradation; Area D= Reforestation; Area E= Peatland Rewetting and Reforestation; Area F= Tidal Wetland Restoration and Reforestation.

In such cases, the areas that are eligible for different categories must be captured by different strata and clearly delineated, and the procedures outlined below applied to each of them separately.

D) Projects may be stand-alone REDD, ARR and/or WRC or Projects may combine WRC with REDD, or WRC with ARR, in a single area.

VERRA’s accepted project approaches

Applicability Conditions

REDD + MF sets out applicability conditions for each of the VCS project categories covered including Wetlands Restoration and Conservation (WRC)

The REDD + MF is a compilation of modules and tools that together define:

  • Project Activity .

  • Necessary methodological steps.

ARR projects must apply procedures in CDM methodology AR-ACM0003 (Afforestation and Reforestation of lands except Wetlands), but wetlands-related procedures are in the PEAT and TW modules. Described in BL-ARR and M-ARR.

WRC has general conditions exist for each module and must be met. (BL-TW and M-TW have no specific applicability conditions)

By choosing the appropriate modules, a project-specific methodology can be constructed. The justification of the choice of modules and why they are applicable to the proposed project activity must be given in the project description (PD).

*Specific applicability conditions exist for each module and must be met for the module to be used.

Additionality- Activity Method, VMD0052 (ADD-AM)

This methodology uses an activity method for the demonstration of additionality of tidal wetland restoration and conservation project activities. For such project activities, use Module ADD-AM (Demonstration of Additionality of Tidal Wetland Restoration and Conservation Project Activities)

  • ALL WRC project activities using VM0007 are additional.

  • ALL other project activities, including non-tidal wetlands such as peatlands, must use a project-specific approach (“project method”) to demonstrate additionality.

  • Methodologies may adopt a standardised method to determine additionality for a class of project activities, rather than requiring project level determination.

  • The Activity Method is one such standardised approach.

  • Seeks to incentivise under-utilised approaches (activities) to achieving GHG reductions.

  • ALL projects meeting the eligibility criteria are on the positive list and deemed additional.


  • WRC activities are NOT eligible under the following conditions:

    • Project activities lower the water, unless the project converts open water to tidal wetlands, or improves the hydrological connection to impounded waters.

    • Changes in hydrology do not result in the accumulation or maintenance or SOC stock, noting that:

    A) This pertains to projects that intend to sequester carbon through sedimentation and/or vegetation development and,

    B) this does not pertain too projects that increase salinity to reduce CH4 emissions through increased salinity to reduce CH4 emissions. Projects that aim to decrease CH4 emissions through increased salinity must account for any changes in SOC stocks.

    • Hydrological connectivity of the project area with adjacent areas leads to a significant increase in GHG emissions outside the project area.

    • Project activities include the burning oof organic soil.

    • Nitrogen fertilser(s), such as chemical fetiliser or manure, are applied inn the project area during the project crediting period.

  • For RWE project activities, prior too the project start date, the project area MUST meet the following conditions:

    A) The area is free of any land use that could be displaced outside the project area, as demonstrated by at least 1 one of the following, where relevant:

    • The project area has been abandoned for 2 or ore years prior to the project start date; or

    • Use of the project area for commercial purposed (i.e., trade) not profitable as a result of salinity intrusion, market forces, or other factors. In addition, timber harvesting in the baseline scenario within the project area does not occur; or

    • Degradation of additional wetlands for new agriculture/aquaculture sites within the country will not occur or is prohibited by enforced law.


    B) The area is under a land use that could be displaced outside the project area, although in such case, baseline emissions from this land use must not be accounted for, and where degradation of additional wetlands for new agricultural/aquacultural sites within the country will not occur or is prohibited by enforced law.


    C) The area is under a land use that will continue at a similar or greater level of service or production during the project crediting period (e.g., reed or hay harvesting, collection of fuelwood, subsistence harvesting, commercial fishing).

    *The project proponent must demonstrate (A), (B), (C) as stated above, based on verifiable information.

    Peatland Rewetting

    This methodology is applicable to Rewetting Drained Peatland (RDDP_ activities on project areas that meet the VCS definition for peatland.

    Tidal Wetland Restoration

    Project activities restoring tidal wetlands may include any of the following:

    • Creating, restoring and/or managing hydrological conditions

    • Altering sediment supply

    • Changing salinity characteristics

    • Improving water quality

    • (Re-)introducing native plant communities

    • Improving management practice(s).

    • In RWE-ARR project activities, the prescribed burning of herbaceous and shrub aboveground biomass (cover burns) may occur.

  • Project activities conserving tidal wetlands may include:

    • Protecting at-risk wetlands

    • Improving water management on drained wetlands

    • Maintaining or improving water quality for seagrass meadows

    • Recharging sediment to avoid drowning of coastal wetlands

    • Creating accommodation space for wetlands migrating with sea-level rise.

    Avoiding Unplanned Wetland Degradation (AUWD)

    AUWD activities are eligible under the following condition:

    Baseline agents of wetland degradation:

    (i)Cause an alteration in the hydrology of the project area.

    (ii) Have no documented and uncontested legal right to degrade the wetland, and;

    (iii) are either residents in the reference region for wetland degradation or immigrants. Under any other condition, this methodology MUST NOT be used.

    *This is similar to Avoiding Unplanned Deforestation and/or Degradation (AUDD)- the same principles regarding land use, degradation factors and agents apply.

    Avoiding Panned Wetland Degradation (APWD)

    APWD activities are eligible under the following condition:

    • Conversion of intact or partially altered wetlands to a degraded condition MUST be legally permitted.

    *This is similar to Avoiding Planned Deforestation (APD)

  • Under the UNFCC and the UK Government

    Purpose: Create a threshold of performance for carbon credits for people to trust.

    Independently assesses all the greenhouse gas programs and list the ones that are credible

  • Under the UNFCC and the UK Government

    Purpose: Establish a clear set of claims that companies using carbon credits can make on the back of those credits.

    Set out a consistent set of rules that determine what carbon neutrality is.