Forestation in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia contains 15% of the world’s tropical forest but the region is a hotspot for deforestation activities. ²⁹

Time it takes for a forest to grow after deforestation. ³²

Green = Forest
Purple = Deforestation Activites ³⁰

Carbon Stock in Tropical Forests

Different ages of tropical forests determine the amount of carbon stock that has been built up ³¹:

  1. Old Growth (Intact Forests)

  2. Secondary Forests (Old)

  3. Secondary Forests (New)

    AFCS = Above Ground Carbon Stock
    *Forest Ecologists measure the Carbon stock of forests in the leaves, branches, roots and soil.

Variations of forest cover in the region and its relation to the above ground carbon stock lost if no changes are done. ³¹

Types of Forestation

  1. Proforestation: Enabling continuous intact forest growth uninterrupted by forest resource harvesting. ³³

  2. Reforestation: Involves the planting of different selections of seedlings taken from the area (multiple species are selected). Done at existing forests and woodlands that have been depleted (deforested or clearcutting).³⁴

  3. Afforestation: Establishment of a forest with no previous tree cover. ³⁵

Variations of forest cover in the Southeast Asian region. Different species of plants sequest carbon at different rates. ³²