Soft Engineering
Work with nature by making use of natural systems to adjust the energy of tides, waves, wind and sediment transport ¹¹³ (e.g. artificial beach nourishment and plantations).
Cross Section of Coastal Mangrove Planting on Coastal Protection and Planting at Shoreline ¹¹⁴
Soft engineering methods include¹¹⁵:
Off-site nursery production.
Planting of more than 10,000 saplings from 14 species into the mangrove forest.
Off-site nursery
Multi-species Planting Approach ¹¹⁷
To encourage the natural growth of mangrove and replace those already lost.
Mangroves that reproduce quickly will be planted up here to shore up the coastline.
Hardy mangrove species that can withstand high tides and strong waves.
Seaward where the hydrological conditions are the toughest.
Less regular tidal influences; exposed to inundation only during spring high tides.
Highest up on the shore where there is low wave energy and lower levels of seawater.
Mangrove Planting Configuration ¹¹⁶
Construction Plan¹¹⁹
Coastal Protection Configuration
Colour coded based on the Mangrove species planted¹¹⁸
Factors influencing choice of mangroves ¹¹⁶:
Wave Energies
Soil Maturity
Water Salinity
Depth of Tidal Inundation
Duration of Tidal Inundation
Frequency of Tidal Inundation
Sediment Composition
Sediment Stability
Soil Type