Soft Engineering

Work with nature by making use of natural systems to adjust the energy of tides, waves, wind and sediment transport ¹¹³ (e.g. artificial beach nourishment and plantations).

Cross Section of Coastal Mangrove Planting on Coastal Protection and Planting at Shoreline ¹¹⁴

Soft engineering methods include¹¹⁵:

  1. Off-site nursery production.

  2. Planting of more than 10,000 saplings from 14 species into the mangrove forest.

Off-site nursery

Multi-species Planting Approach ¹¹⁷

To encourage the natural growth of mangrove and replace those already lost.

  • Mangroves that reproduce quickly will be planted up here to shore up the coastline.

  • Hardy mangrove species that can withstand high tides and strong waves.

  • Seaward where the hydrological conditions are the toughest.

  • Less regular tidal influences; exposed to inundation only during spring high tides.

  • Highest up on the shore where there is low wave energy and lower levels of seawater.

Mangrove Planting Configuration ¹¹⁶

Construction Plan¹¹⁹

Coastal Protection Configuration

Colour coded based on the Mangrove species planted¹¹⁸

Factors influencing choice of mangroves ¹¹⁶:

  • Wave Energies

  • Soil Maturity

  • Water Salinity

  • Depth of Tidal Inundation

  • Duration of Tidal Inundation

  • Frequency of Tidal Inundation

  • Sediment Composition

  • Sediment Stability

  • Soil Type